Saturday, November 6, 2010


Lately, I haven't been sleeping really well. Jake only sleeps 3 hours at a time and it takes me an hour to get him back to sleep after he wakes and I feed him. So I get about 4 hours a night of sleep... max. Grant hasn't felt all that well this week so he hasn't helped as much as he usually does and 1 night ago he slept in the spare bedroom so he doesn't get the both of us sick. Last night Grant was feeling better, so he slept back in bed with us. He woke up every time the baby did and gave me the support I needed to get through the night. This morning at about 7am Grant took our little guy knowing I was up for the majority of the night and he told me to sleep. I slept for 3 hours straight. Want to hear something weird..... I had a dream! I haven't had a dream in weeks because I don't ever get into the full REM cycle (I assume). ;) I took a long shower and came downstairs. When I came downstairs Grant mentioned going on a 3 mile walk and getting lunch on 2nd street in Belmont Shore. So, we put the little guy in the baby Bjorn (the Organic Synergy - LOVE), grabbed Grant's diaper backpack (Quiksilver - thank you Aud), the dog, and went on our way. What a fun lunch! When we got home I went upstairs to take another shower (taking advantage of all showers) and came downstairs to the 2 of my boys sleeping. My heart just melted. These are my babies. I love my boys more than anything. After I saw this I realized being a stay at home mom is exactly what I want to do. Even though some days I struggle being home all day... and not being in the working world... I would NEVER want to miss a single moment of my sweet babies. I thank God for all that I have and am grateful for the opportunity to be a wife and a mother.

The reason my heart beats...
Here is my other munchkin:



  1. Omg Brooke, Grant and Jake are twins!!!

  2. so adorable! your newest BloggyMoms follower. would *love* a follow back. you can find me at:

    lots of FUN giveaways... come by and enter!

  3. I know exactly what you mean about being a stay-at-home mom. Wouldn't trade it for the world!

    Thanks for following. I am doing the same!


  4. Adorable!! Jake does look so much like your hubby. You will get through the little sleep, each day will get a little bit better. Then one day he will be 1 (like my son) and you can hardly remember those sleepless nights! :)
    (Following from BMs)


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