Thursday, November 17, 2011

Month of thanks... week 3

This week I want to thank my mommy friends. The mommy friends that I do things with during the week. I don't really want to say names, but there are a few girlfriends that I spend a considerable amount a time with and have become very important to me. Liz and Danielle. You ladies are like sisters to me. God has really blessed me with such wonderful women to be around. It's hard enough being a mommy, but a stay at home... 24/7 mommy... can be quite challenging. I'm so thankful to be able to spend time with you ladies during the week... and sometimes weekend! ;)
Our munchkins back in Jan. Looks how little they were!
We all know that being a mom can be challenging. Challenging when you went from working full time since you were 18 years old, to being home. Challenging when you don't have ANY family around to relieve you. Challenging when your husband travels often and your alone with a busy toddler, and not to mentioned pregnant. ;)

There is also a lot of fun that comes with being home. Watching Jake do everything right in front of my eyes! Knowing that I'm home if there this little monkey ever needs me, playing at Gymboree (love you Noelle Kailey), and playing and learning all day long! Personally, I know that I would be very uncomfortable if I wasn't in the know of what Jake was doing all day. Guess, that's part of who I am.

I'm so lucky for these women. These women that go to the park, lunch, shop, talk, cry, laugh, share stories about our little ones, help babysit, give advice, etc. They are my sisters. They are Christian women that believe that our God doesn't give you more than what you can handle! I can share everything with them. I'm so fortunate for them. I can count on them!

It doesn't mean that I don't absolutely LOVE my other mommy friends or my other girlfriends... it just means, I spend so much time with these ladies, they need to know I appreciate them. I will be sending out lots of cards today. To the women that work, stay home, have been there to support, love, and care for us at The Stone house. Thank you.

Thank you all for impacting my life. Thank you for showing me I'm not alone. Thank you for sharing God's words with me at time of need. Thank you for sharing God's word not in the time of need. We are truly lucky to have all that we have.

My besties! Lexi, Kristy, Liz, me, Jewelz, Danielle, and Kerilyn. (Missing from pic is Katy)

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