Friday, May 27, 2011


My favorite part of the day is my mornings with Jake, and Brady. Jake wakes up at 6:30am. When he wakes up, he just sits there and waits for us to come in and get him. He doesn't cry. He just waits. :)

I feed and change him, and then we come downstairs. I pack him up and pack the dog up and we head out for our morning walk. It's usually around 8am. Sometimes we go around 9am. It's so peaceful around the bay. No one out yet, just the people that live around here. I'm able to think and pray as I walk around and watch the ocean. It's nice to be able to clear my head. 
This is a photo I took this morning. It was so quite... absolutely beautiful morning.

These palm trees are covered in jasmine.

Then I feed my little man breakfast when we get back. If we don't have a lot of errands to run or company over we go on another long walk. Our afternoon walk is after Jake's lunch. Sometimes he sleeps through the walk and other times if he's awake we go to the park at the end of our street.
I put my scarf under this face. He was so sleepy at this walk!
Brady enjoys the sun!
Awake during this walk. Jake loves to play with Brady. Brady loves to eat Jake's snacks that fall on the floor.

Can't complain about my life. I'm lucky to be a stay at home mom. I get to see everything happen with this little monster. Excited when it gets a little warmer we can go to the bay/beach! 

Excited to celebrate Grant's birthday tomorrow. I love my handsome husband! 

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