Sunday, May 8, 2011

A year ago... Mother's Day.

A year ago, last Mother's Day, I had something happen to me that made the experience of motherhood become so real. I felt my baby kick for the first time! I was sitting on the couch... and BAM! A kick! I started to cry. My little man was telling me, "Happy Mother's Day!" So cool, right? That was the best gift I could have ever received.

This year, I'm officially a mother. He was my 30th birthday present. He was born 12 days before my birthday. He was actually due just 4 days before. But, the over achiever in him brought him early. he he.

As a mother it's an amazing feeling to have a life growing inside of you. It's hard to describe. How cool is it that God gives us women that right? AMAZING.

I'm Jake Bowman's mother. It's the best job in the world. Even though being a mother is the hardest job, it's the most rewarding. Even with the toughest days... that smile or laugh sets my heart pounding. Makes everything so worth it. The thought of not having this little boy kills me. I'm lucky to have him. He is God's gift to me for as long as God puts us here on this earth. How amazing is that?

As I write this blog I'm tearing up. How did I become so lucky? To have a handsome husband that loves me and now to be a mother? Wow. Thank you Lord. Blessed beyond belief.

Today is my first Mother's Day. And I'm so excited for what my husband has planned for me/us. He really does make sure that I'm happy everyday though. Even when we argue or disagree he makes sure we never go to bed angry. And that we kiss before he leaves the door for work. I couldn't be more happy or proud of this family we have and are creating!

Here are a few pictures from our parenting journey.

Daddy and Mommy - 34 weeks

The day that Jake was born - 38.6 weeks.
Cesarean because of my breech baby.
I FINALLY get him after being in recovery for 3 hours! This was 1 am!
First day on this earth.
8 months old now!
Our family of 3.
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all you mommies and mommies to be!


  1. Lovely post! Our baby boy is our 1st anniversary present. Happy Mother's Day to you!:)

  2. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!! These photos are beautiful! <3


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