Thursday, October 7, 2010

Swaddle or Not to swaddle...

That is the question!

Jake is NOT a swaddler. I've officially tried them all.

The 2 EVERYONE swears by are Swaddle Me (by Kiddopotamus), and The Miracle Blanket. I have several of both... He doesn't like to be confined.
(Swaddle Me - with the Velcro)

(Sleep Cozy)
I asked his pediatrician on Tuesday is this is a bad thing and said, "absolutely not." She went on to say that once they hit a certain stage in life you have to ween them off of swaddling, so if Jake can sleep without the swaddle method... even better. So, I am now going to try sleep sacks. Halo makes one I will get and had one on today called the Sleep Cozy by babylicious. This way he can still wear his pj's or when it's hot a onesies, and then I just put the sleep sack over... so he will be warm. A blanket with out worrying about him pulling it over his head. Simple, but wonderful idea.

I will let you know how it goes!!

Love and cheers,


  1. Hudson was the same way, he hated the swaddle. No matter how tight I'd swaddle him, he would always break out of it! So I just gave up. Funny that you mention the sleep sack. I remember going to my mom's in Iowa when Hudson was 4 months old. It was super cold and because we didn't want to cover him with blankets, we layered him with onesies, footed pajamas, and a sleep sack! Middle-of-the-night diaper changes took a while, but at least he stayed warm!

  2. Kylan was a major swaddler (in the Miracle Blanket). I swore by it, but did have to wean him from it. Kynlee wanted nothing to do with it. Both kids also used the sleep sack and it gave me such a peace knowing they were warm, but safe. You are such a great momma! He is a doll baby and is getting so big!!

  3. If you are not using a swaddler, sleep sacks are great. If you don't have a sleep sack on him, make sure you use pjs with built in feet. Just like you, if his feet are cold, he will wake up!


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