Saturday, September 11, 2010

1 week old (September 8th)

Hello All!

My name is Jake. I was born on September 1st. I'm your typical baby. I like to eat, sleep, poop and be held. Yea, I said it. But, that's what I like to do. Oh! I forgot to say I love my mommy and daddy. They're pretty cool. Looks like God sent me to the right place. My first week has been a busy one. I left the hospital after 3 days, and came home to a full house. My grandparents were here, my uncles Marty, and Dylan, my aunt Ashley, and my mom's friend Kristy. I've had lots of visitors as well! Auntie Katy, Matty, Sandi and Kristyn too! I'm a happy baby. I don't have much to complain about. Life is good. I love when my mom sings Christian Hymns to me, and I already love my ABC's. My mom keeps saying I'm the best 30th birthday present she could have ever wished for. And that I'm a gift from God.

Let's see... what have we been doing this last week? Well, last Sunday (Sept 5th) I went back to the hospital for blood testing. They wanted to test my bilirubin levels because my pediatrician said I was a little jaundice. My mom cried when she saw how they take blood from a baby the day before at the hospital. So, grandma went with us. It wasn't that bad. It wasn't any worse than a diaper change in my opinion. I really hate that! I love my grandma! She sleeps with mommy and wakes up when I cry, changes me and passes me to mommy so I can eat. I LOVE TO EAT! Grandma has been helping clean the house, doing laundry... and pretty much everything my mom needs help with! Mom is feeling much better though. And everyone in the house has to tell her to sit down and stop doing so much. My dad has slept downstairs for the past few days, since grandma has been with mommy. This helps daddy so he can get up super early for work. I love hearing my dad's voice when he walks in the door from work. Daddy and I have skin on skin time every night. I lay on him with a blanket covering me. I fall asleep on him.

I went to my first doctors appointment this week. It wasn't so bad. I'm not jaundice enough for worry or concern. So, they are leaving that alone. Thank goodness! They weighed me. I gained 7 oz in 2 days. I told you people... I like to eat! Something perfectly natural happened to me when they went to weigh me...  they took my diaper off and I peed. Hello people... It was cold! The nurse laughed and said I marked my territory. But, I was just cold and had to go! Yesterday I went to the bay with Grandpa, Grandma, daddy, Dylan, and mommy. It was fun! My dog Brady ran in the water! It was pretty cool!

Well, I gotta get going. It's time for dinner! I'll write more later.

See ya!
My first sponge bath:

Grandma showing mommy how to bathe me:

Chillin in my swing:

The bay:

My dog Brady running in and out of the water:

Night night!

1 comment:

  1. Jake is so adorable! Don't you love having your mom there?! My mom came down here when Addison was born, plus Carlos got 3 wks of paternity leave so I had tons of help. They were always yelling at me to take a nap! It's just too hard to sleep! I love the swing. I miss Addison's swing. We never actually put the toy bar on it though, because by the time she was old enough for it, she was done with the swing. Have fun being a mommy and enjoy your time with your family! I bet your mom is loving every minute of it!!!!


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