Thursday, December 5, 2013

Jake's 1st trip to the dentist.

I wasn't sure what to expect. But, I do know that Jake is a pretty darn good kid. Being 3, it's time for my little man to now start seeing the dentist. So, Jake and I both went in for cleanings.

Jake wasn't scared at all! He sat in the chair, took X-rays, and got his little teeth cleaned. I was so incredibly proud of him. He is such a special little boy. UGH! I just love him.

Anyhow, not much to report. His teeth look good, and he LOVES to brush and floss his teeth. Here are some pics from our visit.
 Such a big boy.
 Perfect little teeth.
This is how my cleaning went. Jake laid on top of me. ;)

Everything is all good with me too... except I grew ONE wisdom tooth this fall. I'm 33 years old, and grew a wisdom tooth? So strange. I only have one. I never had any other teeth out, and never grew the others. Apparently, I always had one little bud up there, but it didn't grow until now. And that one little tooth needs to come out after the Holiday's now. Lucky me. ha ha.
 One of my buddies. I love these little turkeys of mine.

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