Sunday, July 26, 2009

Favorite time of year... WEDDING SEASON!

Grant and I have been to 3 wedding in the last 2 weeks. The first wedding below is Matt and Jodie Gleeson. Grant grew up with Matt in Oklahoma. The second wedding is Josh and Alexis Levenshus. Grant went to college with Josh and were also roommates before we got engaged.

Haute Affairs was in FULL affect! :)

Mr. and Mrs. Gleeson

Mr. and Mrs. Levenshus


Thursday, July 2, 2009


Over the weekend Katy and I went to "Disneyland" to pick up our wine shipments. I call Temecula Disneyland because its a grown ups happiest place on earth! :) I wanted to share a few pictures of Katy and I hanging with the grapes!


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